Chapter 4 Exercise D.i Solution
Duration: 11:20 Min | May 30, 2023
Let us C Chapter 4 Exercise D (i) Attempt the following: The Body Mass Index (BMI) is defined as the ratio of the weight of a person (in kilograms) to the square of the height (in meters). Write a program that receives weight and height, calculates the BMI, and reports the BMI category as per the following table:
Starvation : less than 15 Anorexic : 15.1 - 17.5 Underweight : 17.6 - 18.5 Ideal : 18.6 - 24.9 Overweight : 25 - 25.9 Obese : 30 - 30.9 Morbidly Obese : greater than equal to 40